You will need

  1. Cold Brew Jar or Pitcher
  2. Coarse Ground Coffee
  3. Cold Water
  4. Fine Mesh Strainer or Coffee Filter


  1. Add coarsely ground coffee to your cold brew jar or pitcher.
  2. Pour in cold or room temperature water, ensuring the coffee is fully saturated.
  3. Stir and cover the container.
  4. Place it in the refrigerator and let it steep for 12-24 hours.
  5. Strain the cold brew concentrate through a fine mesh strainer or coffee filter.
  6. Dilute with water or milk to your desired strength.
  7. Serve over ice and enjoy the smooth, low-acid cold brew.

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

Use a 1:8 coffee-to-water ratio (e.g: 200g coffee for 1600g water).

Brewing Time

Steep for 14-18 hours in the refrigerator.

Water Temperature

Use cold or room-temperature water.


Adjust steeping time for desired strength and flavour.