Gone Papayas

Rs. 225.00

This coffee is an absolute favorite everyday coffee in our home. Innovatively processed with papaya extracts, the resulting chemistry is one of wonders. With notes of mixed berries, honey, jackfruit, raisins, and cranberries, we're sure it'll become a staple in your home as well. While this coffee shines on its own, it finds its true calling as a canvas for milk-based beverages.

Size: 100 G

100 G
250 G
500 G

Know the Farm

Hidden Falls Estate

Our Hidden Falls Estate lies at an elevation of 3600 to 3800 feet above sea level. Here, the earth breathes with life, as the region's native Shola forests intertwine with a lush tapestry of Jackfruit, Nutmeg, Cloves, and Silver Oak Trees. Amidst this vibrant ensemble lies a secret grove of Macadamia trees, adding an exquisite touch to the estate's splendor. Apart from the superior Arabica grown on this estate, the heartbeat of Hidden Falls Estate lies in the majestic yet elusive waterfall, veiled among colossal rocks. This enchanting discovery inspired the estate's very name, a tribute to the mystical beauty that graces this sanctuary.

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